Louie VRChat avatar
Louie - making vacation virtually a reality ☀
Requires: VRChat SDK 3.0, Poiyomi toon Shader (included in unitypackage)
- VRC PC support only
- 8 Expressions
- Toggleable shirt and tanktop
- Using physbones
- Really cool tail!
You are not allowed to redistribute the avatar in any way.
You may make adjustments to the model for personal use only.
Feel free to contact me if you have any issues/suggestions on my Twitter, Instagram or discord sour#8917
Louie uses Laying / Sitting Animation Prefab by Nirvash https://www.vrcarena.com/assets/1632257698437
Poiyomi toon shader https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases
Vilar Eye Tracking https://www.vrcarena.com/assets/7pQbvNIgoGGIA5S4eNwv
A zip folder containing the Louie Unity package and a short guide how to upload him to VRC